Saturday, August 8, 2009

Colourful moment

Enjoy the day very much although ly told me that it could be much better.

Must thank the sfp and stf for making this gathering a success.

And thanks everyone who gave me those little comments which make my day though i still miss out on a few of you. =/

I'm getting more into kids after seeing pn. Sin's daugther. They are just so cute and innocent. They hide nothing from you and express their feelings straight fowardly. =) I'm so impress with the way they response to us. (Gor gors and jie jies + 1 uncle xD)

Oh ya...before forgetting this, pn. Lillian's qoute of the day - "sherman has the 2 most weapons that i'm not good at. the camera and the blog". She is just so scared of  shermie and shermera.

And Shyh-yih fetch me again. lolx. 2nd time in 3 weeks. so unbelievable. Looking foward to you fetching me next time. ;p

I hope this colourful moment will come again in the near future. =)

Thx Pn. Sin and Pn. Lillian for the nice meal. ^^


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