Monday, January 12, 2009

Born genius or by luck, but still Genius XD

Saw Sherman's blog with this IQ test thingy. The boring me felt curious and gave it a try. In the end, it brighten up my day. =)

Free Online IQ Test - Free Online IQ Test

Intelligence Interval Cognitive Designation
40 - 54         Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers)
55 - 69         Challenged (2.3% of test takers)
70 - 84         Below average
85 - 114       Average (68% of test takers)
115 - 129     Above average
130 - 144     Gifted (2.3% of test takers)
145 - 159     Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)
160 - 175     Extraordinary genius

vow...amazing result. 149. although i am not good as u sherm, i still can consider myself a genius. *cough...cough* (perasaan to the max and over the moon) XD


  1. Not bad weiii!!!
    I only got 138 (i think) only.

  2. Dorothy, 138 also not bad what. at least you are gifted....also one of those rare people...
